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I am a disciple of Christ and I desire to love and serve God in everything. I have many passions and I desire to share my adventures, joys and struggles to encourage others in their faith.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Jewel Box for Life

I will never forget one particular story my mom read to me from a children's story book when I was small...

The little girl in the story wanted a jewelry box full of jewels for her birthday. However, on her birthday, she received from her parents a brand new Bible. She was so angry that she threw the Bible against the wall and ran from the room. Her mother came to her later and told her that they had indeed given her a jewelry box and then proceeded to explain that the Bible is full of promises that are jewels for life and would last far longer than the cheap little jewelry box that she had wanted. Then, together, they started a project to search through the Bible for verses and promises that started with "R" for ruby, "E" for emerald, "D" for Diamond, "P" for pearl, and so on...and the little girl eventually realized that she had a greater treasure box than she could have ever imagined.

I've always loved this story, and it has become a new inspiration for me right now! I have found myself struggling with various issues lately and particularly the temptation to look elsewhere for entertainment and pleasure...when I really should be reveling in the Word of God.

So I'm inspired to begin a new project...

  • STEP ONE: Buy a pretty new journal.
  • STEP TWO: Every time I am feeling lonely, missing family, wondering if or when I'll ever have the privilege of being married and raising a family, feeling aimless or bored or fighting temptation in an area where I'm particularly vulnerable, I will open my Bible and search for verses and promises that apply to my situation. I will write them down in my book - a new "jewel" in my "Jewel Box for Life."

I believe that this will help me stop the habit of wasting time on the Internet and will also bring me the fulfillment I desire, along with a closer and more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, my Lord.

Lord Jesus, show me the infinite preciousness of Your Word and cause me to delight more and more in Your incomprehensible and amazing love for me, to treasure who You are and find my pleasure and my completeness only in You.

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