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I am a disciple of Christ and I desire to love and serve God in everything. I have many passions and I desire to share my adventures, joys and struggles to encourage others in their faith.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


There is SO much to be thankful for as I reflect on the time I spent in Ukraine...
Here are some of the faces of the kids we were privileged to meet.

God was very faithful to us as a team – we had safe travel during the entire trip, not only in getting to Ukraine, but also while we were there, and no one was seriously sick or injured. We had approximately 24 hours of actual travel there and back and crossed several time zones, as Ukraine is 7 hours ahead of Ontario.
The missionary team we worked with was great and we had a lot of fun together. In the area of Ukraine where we were, Russian is the language that is mainly spoken, so it was really interesting trying to learn a little bit of the language to communicate. Several of the Ukrainians we worked with spoke good English, so that was helpful. Some of the kids we interacted with spoke some English as well, so it was fun to help them and have them try to teach us some Russian.
It was amazing to witness the way the missionaries interact with the children and to see the immense difference that God has made there through this ministry. The first week we spent most of our time with kids and youth at a Rehab Centre, and most of these kids come from very difficult homes (abuse, crime, etc), but they were so sweet and open. It was easy to make friends with them and they were so happy to have us come, and we were privileged to share the gospel with them. The children at the camp for the #9 Orphanage (that we visited the second week) were much the same, and they just need people to be involved in their lives and show them that they are loved and cared for.
The weather was nice and warm for the most part (almost too warm for my liking), but we did have a couple of days where it rained. There were a few things to adjust to – the bathrooms, and the crowded public transit, to mention a couple – but it was a very worthwhile cultural experience.
      On our last day there, we were privileged to have a tour of the surrounding area to learn about the Mennonite history since, for several members of the team, this is where our ancestors came from.

THANK YOU, GOD, for giving me this opportunity!!

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