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I am a disciple of Christ and I desire to love and serve God in everything. I have many passions and I desire to share my adventures, joys and struggles to encourage others in their faith.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Speaking By Grace...

A week ago on Friday I received a certificate acknowledging my completion of the 2-year Basic Russian language course in just 9 months -- but such an accomplishment would have been impossible if it wasn't for the grace of God!

One year ago, I knew only the alphabet and a few words/phrases in Russian and at that time I knew that this was the goal, but I don't think I understood what it would take and how it would stretch and change me as I studied this language! I trusted - by faith - that God would enable me to complete this 2-year course in 1 year and to give me the ability to communicate in the language, and although I did put in many hours of study, it is only by His grace that I have had such success.

I will admit there were times when I doubted over the past months, but as with so many aspects of life, it's in hindsight that you can see most clearly. At times it felt like the process was moving so slowly, but after building the foundation, the pieces started coming together and I realized that I had the tools to figure it out and communicate - at least on a basic level - in the language.

Some people have given me great compliments -- telling me that I speak without a foreign accent, and that I speak Russian well -- but I know that this would not be possible without the grace of God! It was incredibly exciting to meet my landlords on Thursday and to comprehend what they were telling me! I didn't get everything, but I understood the basics. And even more exciting was my first meeting with the orphanage ministry team on Saturday -- for the first time I didn't feel like I was sitting on the outside, looking in and wishing I could be a part of it!!

I still have lots of work to do, and there is much still to learn, but I had to 'give voice' to the thrilling emotions in my heart as I realized that God has accomplished so much in me and brought this dream down to my reach. I am overwhelmed with gratitude that there is opportunity for me to minister -- by the grace of God -- in a country, culture and language that was once completely foreign to me!

As I shared with my fellow students and teachers, "Благодарна Богу, я смогу делать что, однажды мне кажется невозможно." Thanks to God, I can do what once seemed to me impossible."

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