It was different this year not being together with my immediate family, but I had a wonderful time celebrating with my church family and some of my relatives. Sometimes change helps us to better appreciate the gifts and blessings that we do have.
CHRISTMAS EVE - Dec. 24, 2010
I was invited to a Christmas Eve dinner and some of the highlights were:
- a feast fit for a king's table (thank you, Care & Alan McNally!!)
- fellowship with friends and making new acquaintances
- sharing love for music and Christmas carols (I played piano and Tristan accompanied with violin)
- a beautiful Christmas Eve candlelight service
- fellowship and more food with friends (thank you, Dave & Gerri and Geoff & Cynthia Sutton)
CHRISTMAS DAY - Dec. 25, 2010
* After a long night's travel on the Greyhound, I arrived in Winnipeg around 8:45 am and was met by Oma (my maternal grandmother) and my Aunt Myrna. We enjoyed a relaxing brunch at Oma's house, read the Christmas story together and shared our gifts with one another.
* Phone calls with Mom & Dad and my brothers as well as another aunt and cousin in BC were treasured moments and helped me to not feel quite so far away.
* Enjoyed food, games and visiting...and then we watched Sound of Music (a Christmas tradition) - I fell asleep due to the long day.
BOXING DAY - Sunday, Dec. 26, 2010
* After breakfast, we went to church and it was a good time of reflection on the reality of the greatest gift God has ever given us - Jesus Christ.
* Lunch and more games and visiting...after awhile, my mom's Uncle Henry and Aunt Anne and Uncle Abe came over for Christmas dinner and some more fun and games. (Yes, my family loves to play games!) Surprise of surprises - I actually won the Rook game!!
MONDAY, DEC. 27, 2010
* Slept in - the first time in a long time that I was able to do that - mmmm!! Enjoyed a leisurely breakfast and then watched "The Price Is Right" together.
* After lunch, Oma, Aunt Myrna and I went bowling with one of Oma's bowling friends - we played 3 games and I had a fairly good average score of 137. Then we went out for coffee and cinnamon buns - yummy!!
* Had a short visit with my mom's aunt Kay in the nursing home where she lives (she has Huntington's disease) - she was really thankful to see us and it was a precious time.
* More games at home, we started a fun puzzle as well - after supper, we played Pictionary, Truth & Triumph and Scrabble and then had devotions together.
TUESDAY, DEC. 28, 2010
- We had an interesting time at the Greyhound bus depot - a few little delays and hitches that reminded us to trust in God to work out all the details.
- My bus trip back to Thunder Bay was uneventful, but very exhausting - arrived home at around 8:45 pm and after a hot bath, I went to bed to ensure I was rested for my return to work the next day.
Thank you, Lord, for family and for the love and fun we share together. May I never forget to thank You for the multitude of blessings You have showered upon me and for Your amazing grace that gives me strength and hope for every day and the future!
About Me

- Darlene Joy Koop
- I am a disciple of Christ and I desire to love and serve God in everything. I have many passions and I desire to share my adventures, joys and struggles to encourage others in their faith.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
This morning was a beautiful celebration of Christmas with my church family:
The Sunday School children led us in worship, and I rejoiced in the sincerity and sweetness of their faith and their obvious joy!
The choir presented a cantata of praise to God for the eternal gifts He gave us through His Son, Jesus Christ, and His presence was so powerful - it was a delight just to be able to sing to Him in worship!
Three young people were baptized, giving testimony to the work of God in their lives, which is the reason that Jesus came to the earth - it was a blessing to see and witness their step of faith!
At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the advent of God's redemption plan. But we also look forward to when Jesus will come again, and I'd like to share with you a poem that God gave to me as I reflected on that hope...
The Sunday School children led us in worship, and I rejoiced in the sincerity and sweetness of their faith and their obvious joy!
From the lips of children and infants, you, LORD, have called forth your praise. ~Psalm 8:2
The choir presented a cantata of praise to God for the eternal gifts He gave us through His Son, Jesus Christ, and His presence was so powerful - it was a delight just to be able to sing to Him in worship!
Shout for joy to the LORD all the earth; worship the LORD with gladness! Come before Him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is He who made us and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the LORD is good and His love endures forever, His faithfulness continues to all generations. ~Psalm 100
Three young people were baptized, giving testimony to the work of God in their lives, which is the reason that Jesus came to the earth - it was a blessing to see and witness their step of faith!
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. ~John 3:16-17
At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the advent of God's redemption plan. But we also look forward to when Jesus will come again, and I'd like to share with you a poem that God gave to me as I reflected on that hope...
(Written by Darlene Joy Koop)
The Light of the world shall illumine the sky;
And the glory of God made visible to mortal eyes,
When Jesus comes.
The trumpet shall resound to the earth below;
Every knee shall bow and every heart shall know,
When Jesus comes.
It may be in the morning, or it may be at night;
Yet certainly we shall see God's power and might,
When Jesus comes.
Oh may my soul be ready, and not be taken unawares;
May my heart and mind be free from all earthly cares,
That I may rejoice and welcome the day
When Jesus comes.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
My dad's message this morning was titled "Journey Down Memory Lane" since it was his farewell service at Dorion Bible Fellowship, and as he shared the memories of the past 5 1/2 years in Dorion, I thought back to the Christmas celebrations of the past several years as well.
So here is my picture blog of memories from past Christmases...
Me, my sister-in-law and my mom looking at pictures together. |
My brothers Jeff and Tim and my dad watching a movie. |
Oma, my dad and my mom playing one of our fave games - Super Scrabble! |
![]() |
This was the Christmas that I received my digital camera!! |
Family photograph |
Christmas Eve celebration with friends in Klaipeda, Lithuania. |
Lithuanian & English Carol Sing at a friend's apartment in Lithuania. |
Christmas Day meal and celebration with church family in Lithuania. |
Christmas meal and celebration with family when I returned to Canada. |
Sharing gifts with family. |
Ladies trio singing for Country Christmas banquet in Dorion (my mom on the right). |
Another fave family activity - doing a puzzle together! |
Our homey Christmas tree. |
This Christmas will be a lot different than previous ones, but it will be special in its own way. I am so thankful for the blessings and gifts that God gives, which we can celebrate at special times of the year!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I've decided that one of the ways I'm going to celebrate Christmas - which really deserves to be celebrated all year long - is by meditating on the real meaning of the season, especially during Advent.
So, since I absolutely LOVE to write and express my thoughts and feelings through words, here is an acrostic lyric poem...
Amazed at how God chose to come;
Awestruck by the magnitude of love;
Anticipating His return with hope.
Delighted by the miracle;
Discovering God's wonderful plan;
Declaring His truth to all;
Viewing Christmas through eyes of faith.
Exulting in God's glorious plan;
Enthralled by His tender love;
Eager to share with everyone the salvation He brings.
Nobility robed in human form;
Never-ending grace of God given freely;
New life is mine through Jesus Christ.
Truth that transforms the believing heart.
So, since I absolutely LOVE to write and express my thoughts and feelings through words, here is an acrostic lyric poem...
Amazed at how God chose to come;
Awestruck by the magnitude of love;
Anticipating His return with hope.
Delighted by the miracle;
Discovering God's wonderful plan;
Declaring His truth to all;
Viewing Christmas through eyes of faith.
Exulting in God's glorious plan;
Enthralled by His tender love;
Eager to share with everyone the salvation He brings.
Nobility robed in human form;
Never-ending grace of God given freely;
New life is mine through Jesus Christ.
Truth that transforms the believing heart.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
ADVENT - A Hopeful Anticipation
It's been a little more than 2,000 years since Jesus Christ left the majesty and glory of heaven and came to the earth that He created, but the wonder of that event still amazes me.
A couple of weeks ago, I read a book called "Two From Galilee" by Marjorie Holmes, a fictionalized accounting of what it may have been like for Mary and Joseph that first Christmas in Judea. The book gave me much food for thought, and I've found myself pondering the circumstances surrounding this event in these days leading up to the celebration of Christmas.
What emotions would Mary and Joseph have felt? Exhilaration, fear, joy, hope, curiosity (what would this child be like - the Son of God?), wonder, incredulity...just to mention a few.
It was interesting to consider how the people of the community around them would have responded...they knew that the prophecy declared that the Messiah would be born of a virgin, but because of the sheer impossibility (apart from God's power) of a virgin conceiving a child, there would probably have been some who immediately dismissed Mary's claim, even though God had said this is how it would take place.
But there must have been also a weighty sense of anticipation and hope! And although Jesus Christ has already completed His work on the earth and is seated at God's right hand in heaven until the Second Coming, as we approach the celebration of this marvelous and life-changing event, we also should be waiting in hopeful anticipation.
"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as warriors rejoice when dividing the plunder.
"For as in the day of Midian's defeat, you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor. Every warrior's boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire.
"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
"Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this."
A couple of weeks ago, I read a book called "Two From Galilee" by Marjorie Holmes, a fictionalized accounting of what it may have been like for Mary and Joseph that first Christmas in Judea. The book gave me much food for thought, and I've found myself pondering the circumstances surrounding this event in these days leading up to the celebration of Christmas.
What emotions would Mary and Joseph have felt? Exhilaration, fear, joy, hope, curiosity (what would this child be like - the Son of God?), wonder, incredulity...just to mention a few.
It was interesting to consider how the people of the community around them would have responded...they knew that the prophecy declared that the Messiah would be born of a virgin, but because of the sheer impossibility (apart from God's power) of a virgin conceiving a child, there would probably have been some who immediately dismissed Mary's claim, even though God had said this is how it would take place.
But there must have been also a weighty sense of anticipation and hope! And although Jesus Christ has already completed His work on the earth and is seated at God's right hand in heaven until the Second Coming, as we approach the celebration of this marvelous and life-changing event, we also should be waiting in hopeful anticipation.
- Hopefully anticipating the joy we will share in celebrating with family and friends.
- Hopefully anticipating what God will do in people's hearts as we proclaim His truth this season.
- Hopefully anticipating how this Christmas will touch our hearts again with the love of God.
- Hopefully anticipating the day when we will see Him face to face because of what He chose to do for us at that first Christmas.
"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as warriors rejoice when dividing the plunder.
"For as in the day of Midian's defeat, you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor. Every warrior's boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire.
"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
"Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this."
Friday, December 3, 2010
I was reading Nehemiah chapter 1 on Wednesday morning for my devotional, and the way that Nehemiah prayed struck me in a profound way. I believe that the following characteristics of his prayer to the LORD are an example of how we ought to pray:
- He acknowledges who God is and what His character is like.
- He confesses his sins and the sins of his people.
- He declares his trust in God's promises
- He prays with a humble attitude.
So as I prepared for the day, I took the time to write out the prayer that was on my heart...
Lord God of heaven, my great and awesome and faithful God, You who hold the entire universe in Your hand, You know everything that concerns your servant. Please let your ear be attentive to my cry and meet me in my place of need.
I have sinned, Lord - I have acted in selfishness and pride, thinking that I could make a difference at work if I just try harder and put more of my own effort into it. I took upon myself a burden too heavy for me to bear alone and I forgot that I can only prosper if I first surrender it all to You, Lord.
In Your mercy, O God, because You have promised that You will not place us in a situation where You will not give us the strength and grace to bear up under the pressure, I pray that You would show Yourself faithful to me again. Not because I deserve it, but because I long to trust You more.
Lord, You know what awaits me this day and in the coming days. I confess that I am worried about many things, including whether or not I will be able to meet all the expectations of me, and right now I surrender that worry to you.
O Lord God, my desire is to honor You each day and in all that I do to reflect the kind of trust You desire to see in Your humble servant. Please remind me daily, Lord, that You are with me and that You are in control. May I serve with joy, knowing that it is not my own strength, but Yours that enables me and carries me through.
In the precious and holy name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Saviour, amen.
- He acknowledges who God is and what His character is like.
- He confesses his sins and the sins of his people.
- He declares his trust in God's promises
- He prays with a humble attitude.
So as I prepared for the day, I took the time to write out the prayer that was on my heart...
Lord God of heaven, my great and awesome and faithful God, You who hold the entire universe in Your hand, You know everything that concerns your servant. Please let your ear be attentive to my cry and meet me in my place of need.
I have sinned, Lord - I have acted in selfishness and pride, thinking that I could make a difference at work if I just try harder and put more of my own effort into it. I took upon myself a burden too heavy for me to bear alone and I forgot that I can only prosper if I first surrender it all to You, Lord.
In Your mercy, O God, because You have promised that You will not place us in a situation where You will not give us the strength and grace to bear up under the pressure, I pray that You would show Yourself faithful to me again. Not because I deserve it, but because I long to trust You more.
Lord, You know what awaits me this day and in the coming days. I confess that I am worried about many things, including whether or not I will be able to meet all the expectations of me, and right now I surrender that worry to you.
O Lord God, my desire is to honor You each day and in all that I do to reflect the kind of trust You desire to see in Your humble servant. Please remind me daily, Lord, that You are with me and that You are in control. May I serve with joy, knowing that it is not my own strength, but Yours that enables me and carries me through.
In the precious and holy name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Saviour, amen.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Yesterday morning I had an epiphany of sorts as I prepared for the day ahead...God spoke to my heart about having a thankful heart.
Circumstances in life are rarely what we want them to be, and if my heart is not in the right place I will not respond in the way that I should as a child of God.
This is not a new truth, but one that I continually be reminded of so that I remain humble and open to the Word of God and His work in my life.
So, in a brief synopsis, this is what occurred to me during my quiet meditation:
Thankfulness does not equal happiness, but...
Thankfulness and trust together brings joy and hope.
I may not be happy in or about my situation all the time, but if I choose to be thankful and to trust that God is "working all things out for good in my life" because I love Him and have been called according to His purpose, then I will be able to go forth in joy and have hope for the future.
Circumstances in life are rarely what we want them to be, and if my heart is not in the right place I will not respond in the way that I should as a child of God.
This is not a new truth, but one that I continually be reminded of so that I remain humble and open to the Word of God and His work in my life.
So, in a brief synopsis, this is what occurred to me during my quiet meditation:
Thankfulness does not equal happiness, but...
Thankfulness and trust together brings joy and hope.
I may not be happy in or about my situation all the time, but if I choose to be thankful and to trust that God is "working all things out for good in my life" because I love Him and have been called according to His purpose, then I will be able to go forth in joy and have hope for the future.
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