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I am a disciple of Christ and I desire to love and serve God in everything. I have many passions and I desire to share my adventures, joys and struggles to encourage others in their faith.
Showing posts with label strength. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strength. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Because HE CAN

Philippians 4:13 says this: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
This verse is one of my favorite verses, and it is also one of the key themes of an endearing and well-written book I've been reading lately, called "At Home in Mitford," by Jan Karon.

I'm going to be perfectly honest and tell you that recently, I was beginning to wonder if I really could do what had been set in front of me. Now, don't get me wrong - I didn't doubt God's plan or His hand at work to bring me to where I am - my struggle came because I let my focus slip. I had become lackadaisical and had allowed temporary pleasures to take over from what I knew was more important.

As a result, I lacked ambition to work hard, I began to question my dedication and whether I had what it takes to meet the expectations I had for myself and the ones I believe God has for me also.

I realized that I needed help, so I asked a number of trusted friends to pray specifically for me in this area and I also asked a very close friend to help keep me accountable. I have already begun to see some answer to the prayers, and in that I have realized something very important, a truth that is contained in this verse. I know it is true, but sometimes it's not obvious in the way I live.

Here is Philippians 4:13 paraphrased in my own words: "I can do all things through Christ because He can do all things."

If we are able to do anything, it is not because we have done something that equips us for the task -- the only reason we are able to do what God wants us to is because His Holy Spirit, who is given to us by His Son, Jesus Christ, is able to work in and through us.

When I pray and present my requests to God with thanksgiving and faith that He will answer (Philippians 4:6), my humility - although required - is not the reason why God is able to answer. It is the catalyst, the act that enables me to place my trust in Him and to allow Him to show me His answer, but He is always able to do whatever He chooses.

Romans 8:28 confirms this belief of how and why God works in our lives, and it makes some very strong statements:

  1. We KNOW that God works in our lives - it's not a question or a hope, but a reality.
  2. God works for GOOD, never evil - evil is a consequence of sinful choices - but God will use everything in our lives for our good.
  3. Why? Because GOD LOVES US and HE HAS CALLED US for a purpose that He has determined.
I tell you this because I have realized AGAIN (I already knew this, but I needed a reminder) that I CAN do what God has put before me only because HE CAN and He has promised that He WILL accomplish His good purpose in my life (Philippians 1:6).

  • I can learn Russian because HE CAN give me understanding and the ability to remember what I've studied.
  • I can share Christ's love with people - anywhere I go, not only here in Ukraine - because only HE CAN change their hearts and fill them with the same love He has given me.
  • I can resist temptation and stand strong because HE CAN keep me by His power and grace and enable me to do what I am powerless to do on my own.
  • I can please Him with my life because HE CAN take everything that we offer to Him and make it holy and pure to present to His Father on our behalf.

As long as I keep my focus on Jesus Christ - fixing my eyes on things above, not on earthly things because I belong to Him (Colossians 3:2-3) - I will be able to do what He asks of me, because He is more than able. And because God's power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9), I will gladly acknowledge my failings and confess them to Him because then HE CAN change me and work through me to do what in my flesh seems impossible.

John Piper shared recently in a blog some insights from Jonathan Edwards and the part that stood out to me was the statement that God is glorified by communicating and manifesting Himself to us, not by receiving anything from us, and that this is seen most excellently because we are so remarkably poor and empty in ourselves.

We do not serve God because He needs anything from us, but because in the process of dying to ourselves and offering ourselves to Him in humility, He gives us the opportunity to see and know Him and in our great need, He miraculously endows us with His power and love and grace.

Father God, forgive me for my shortsightedness. Forgive me for forgetting that I need You not only for the great and seemingly impossible things, but for every moment of every day. Forgive me for putting other things ahead of You and for neglecting to sit in Your presence and accept from You the strength and grace that I need and desire to accomplish what You want me to.
Speak to me through Your Holy Spirit and remind me when I am tempted to stray that I need You more than anything. Convict my heart and cause me to turn to You and You only for what I need. In the holy and powerful name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, amen.

Monday, January 16, 2012


It's now halfway through January and I'm writing my first blog post of the year...and if I only focused on that I might feel like giving up.

But I know that our weaknesses can be turned into strengths, and that sharing honestly from my heart is an encouragement to others.

I'm also reminded of One who never gives up on us, and we can be confident that He who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it until the day He returns!

So, with that in mind, I'm beginning again -- and I'm going to take from the example of some friends of mine that it doesn't have to be an eloquent piece of writing...just a simple thought from God's Word or something that blessed me and there is great joy in passing that on to others.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


I love many of the old sacred hymns, and the words of one particular hymn came to mind as I was pondering on how God has been changing my heart recently...

Simply trusting every day; Trusting through a stormy way;
Even when my faith is small, trusting Jesus, that is all.
Trusting as the moments fly, trusting as the days go by,
Trusting Him, whate'er befall, trusting Jesus, that is all.
I am convinced that fulfillment and joy come when we trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, but it's not always an easy thing to do, since it requires that I relinquish the right to control my life and choose to follow God even though I may not see or understand where He is leading.
This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:
   “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength,
   but you would have none of it." ~ Isaiah 30:15
This is a word from the Lord to the people of Israel, who chose oftentimes to lean on their own strength and understanding rather than trusting in the Lord their God. Oh, that we would run to our Saviour, not only to find our salvation, but also to find our strength in Him, in quietness and complete trust!

I began this posting a few months ago, and as I looked at it today, in view of my recent circumstances, I realized how God has been revealing this to me anew...

Everything from dealing with leaving the job I've had for the last 2 years to moving to financial challenges and unexpected changes in my travel plans - all these things remind me that I cannot rely on my own understanding, but that I have to trust in the Lord with ALL my heart in ALL the circumstances I face.

And we know that we CAN trust the Lord, as expressed in Psalm 145:13b --
The LORD is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


It's been almost a month since I wrote on my blog, and I'm a little disappointed in that, truthfully. But, as someone once wisely said, "You can't go back, but you can go forward." And that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I'm a writer, and poetry comes quite easily to me, so here's a new poem that's been cogitating in my mind for a little while now - I just didn't quite know how to begin it until today.

"By His Grace"
Written by Darlene Joy Koop, March 22/2011

My Lord is so faithful, so merciful and kind,
He has given new sight to me, who once was blind.
He speaks to my heart so tenderly
And, by His grace, enables me to believe.

When I stumble and feel oh, so weak,
By His grace He gives strength as I kneel at His feet.
I'm learning to rely on my Lord day by day,
In Him I'm protected and cared for always.

Sometimes this life seems so weary and long,
And I feel like I have lost the song.
Then God reaches out by His grace to me,
And breaks the chains, setting my heart free.

My future is uncertain and fog oft obscures my way,
Yet by His grace the Lord teaches me to trust and obey.
And though I still have such a long way to go,
Each day I can see how He helps me to grow.

Jesus has promised to never leave us alone,
And He loves us like no other could ever have shown.
He called me and chose me to bear His Name,
And by His grace, I will never be the same.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


On Friday, at the start of the weekend for me, I was feeling a bit low...the challenges of this past week seemed to point out my inadequacy in certain areas and I struggled with that...until I remembered that this is an opportunity for me to be strengthened in my faith. At the moment, I'm still not fully ready to go back to work on Monday, but I - like Peter - need to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and His grace and that will enable me to keep pressing on when I don't want to or when I feel the strength isn't there.

I was reminded on Friday that when the circumstances press in and I am feeling overwhelmed, that I need to take a step back and remember who my God is and that He is Lord of my life and is always with me, working in my life for good. And ultimately, it's not about me...not about what I can do or can't do...but it's about Him. This reminded me of a poem I wrote back in 2005, which is still so true today:

Written by Darlene Joy Koop

I struggled today, Lord,
When my weakness was made evident
And my pride was exposed.

I forgot that I am unable
To do it all on my own,
And I was angry when I failed.

I'm trying to learn
Not to place my value and worth
In how others see me.

I'm trying to let go of my pride
So that Your Holy Spirit
Can work at changing my heart.

It hurts when I fail and
When I don't meet the expectations
I've set for myself.

I dislike criticism and I wish
That I didn't have to face trials in life,
But I need to grow.

Remind me, Lord, today,
That You've bought me with a price
And that I am Your own.

Speak to my spirit and strengthen me
When I fall down and
When I'm feeling discouraged.

I know that my worth is not in what I do
But rather in who I am -
Because of Jesus Christ.

Teach me, Lord, how to grow
In perseverance...
The patient endurance through discouragement.

Help me again to realize
That it's not about me and
To come humbly to the foot of the cross.

Each day in my life is one more step
On the journey to Christlikeness,
And it is not easy.

But I know You're with me
And Your strength is made perfect
In my weakness.

May I know the fulfilment
Of living for the purpose of loving
And serving only You each day.

Thank You, Father, that You're faithful,
That Your love never changes,
And that it's not about me.