This verse is one of my favorite verses, and it is also one of the key themes of an endearing and well-written book I've been reading lately, called "At Home in Mitford," by Jan Karon.
I'm going to be perfectly honest and tell you that recently, I was beginning to wonder if I really could do what had been set in front of me. Now, don't get me wrong - I didn't doubt God's plan or His hand at work to bring me to where I am - my struggle came because I let my focus slip. I had become lackadaisical and had allowed temporary pleasures to take over from what I knew was more important.
As a result, I lacked ambition to work hard, I began to question my dedication and whether I had what it takes to meet the expectations I had for myself and the ones I believe God has for me also.
I realized that I needed help, so I asked a number of trusted friends to pray specifically for me in this area and I also asked a very close friend to help keep me accountable. I have already begun to see some answer to the prayers, and in that I have realized something very important, a truth that is contained in this verse. I know it is true, but sometimes it's not obvious in the way I live.
Here is Philippians 4:13 paraphrased in my own words: "I can do all things through Christ because He can do all things."
If we are able to do anything, it is not because we have done something that equips us for the task -- the only reason we are able to do what God wants us to is because His Holy Spirit, who is given to us by His Son, Jesus Christ, is able to work in and through us.
When I pray and present my requests to God with thanksgiving and faith that He will answer (Philippians 4:6), my humility - although required - is not the reason why God is able to answer. It is the catalyst, the act that enables me to place my trust in Him and to allow Him to show me His answer, but He is always able to do whatever He chooses.
Romans 8:28 confirms this belief of how and why God works in our lives, and it makes some very strong statements:
- We KNOW that God works in our lives - it's not a question or a hope, but a reality.
- God works for GOOD, never evil - evil is a consequence of sinful choices - but God will use everything in our lives for our good.
- Why? Because GOD LOVES US and HE HAS CALLED US for a purpose that He has determined.
- I can learn Russian because HE CAN give me understanding and the ability to remember what I've studied.
- I can share Christ's love with people - anywhere I go, not only here in Ukraine - because only HE CAN change their hearts and fill them with the same love He has given me.
- I can resist temptation and stand strong because HE CAN keep me by His power and grace and enable me to do what I am powerless to do on my own.
- I can please Him with my life because HE CAN take everything that we offer to Him and make it holy and pure to present to His Father on our behalf.
As long as I keep my focus on Jesus Christ - fixing my eyes on things above, not on earthly things because I belong to Him (Colossians 3:2-3) - I will be able to do what He asks of me, because He is more than able. And because God's power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9), I will gladly acknowledge my failings and confess them to Him because then HE CAN change me and work through me to do what in my flesh seems impossible.
John Piper shared recently in a blog some insights from Jonathan Edwards and the part that stood out to me was the statement that God is glorified by communicating and manifesting Himself to us, not by receiving anything from us, and that this is seen most excellently because we are so remarkably poor and empty in ourselves.
We do not serve God because He needs anything from us, but because in the process of dying to ourselves and offering ourselves to Him in humility, He gives us the opportunity to see and know Him and in our great need, He miraculously endows us with His power and love and grace.
Father God, forgive me for my shortsightedness. Forgive me for forgetting that I need You not only for the great and seemingly impossible things, but for every moment of every day. Forgive me for putting other things ahead of You and for neglecting to sit in Your presence and accept from You the strength and grace that I need and desire to accomplish what You want me to.
Speak to me through Your Holy Spirit and remind me when I am tempted to stray that I need You more than anything. Convict my heart and cause me to turn to You and You only for what I need. In the holy and powerful name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, amen.
Speak to me through Your Holy Spirit and remind me when I am tempted to stray that I need You more than anything. Convict my heart and cause me to turn to You and You only for what I need. In the holy and powerful name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, amen.
Beautiful Darlene! Well said! Blessings of our Lord Jesus be with you.