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I am a disciple of Christ and I desire to love and serve God in everything. I have many passions and I desire to share my adventures, joys and struggles to encourage others in their faith.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


On Friday, at the start of the weekend for me, I was feeling a bit low...the challenges of this past week seemed to point out my inadequacy in certain areas and I struggled with that...until I remembered that this is an opportunity for me to be strengthened in my faith. At the moment, I'm still not fully ready to go back to work on Monday, but I - like Peter - need to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and His grace and that will enable me to keep pressing on when I don't want to or when I feel the strength isn't there.

I was reminded on Friday that when the circumstances press in and I am feeling overwhelmed, that I need to take a step back and remember who my God is and that He is Lord of my life and is always with me, working in my life for good. And ultimately, it's not about me...not about what I can do or can't do...but it's about Him. This reminded me of a poem I wrote back in 2005, which is still so true today:

Written by Darlene Joy Koop

I struggled today, Lord,
When my weakness was made evident
And my pride was exposed.

I forgot that I am unable
To do it all on my own,
And I was angry when I failed.

I'm trying to learn
Not to place my value and worth
In how others see me.

I'm trying to let go of my pride
So that Your Holy Spirit
Can work at changing my heart.

It hurts when I fail and
When I don't meet the expectations
I've set for myself.

I dislike criticism and I wish
That I didn't have to face trials in life,
But I need to grow.

Remind me, Lord, today,
That You've bought me with a price
And that I am Your own.

Speak to my spirit and strengthen me
When I fall down and
When I'm feeling discouraged.

I know that my worth is not in what I do
But rather in who I am -
Because of Jesus Christ.

Teach me, Lord, how to grow
In perseverance...
The patient endurance through discouragement.

Help me again to realize
That it's not about me and
To come humbly to the foot of the cross.

Each day in my life is one more step
On the journey to Christlikeness,
And it is not easy.

But I know You're with me
And Your strength is made perfect
In my weakness.

May I know the fulfilment
Of living for the purpose of loving
And serving only You each day.

Thank You, Father, that You're faithful,
That Your love never changes,
And that it's not about me.

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