On Friday, at the start of the weekend for me, I was feeling a bit low...the challenges of this past week seemed to point out my inadequacy in certain areas and I struggled with that...until I remembered that this is an opportunity for me to be strengthened in my faith. At the moment, I'm still not fully ready to go back to work on Monday, but I - like Peter - need to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and His grace and that will enable me to keep pressing on when I don't want to or when I feel the strength isn't there.
I was reminded on Friday that when the circumstances press in and I am feeling overwhelmed, that I need to take a step back and remember who my God is and that He is Lord of my life and is always with me, working in my life for good. And ultimately, it's not about me...not about what I can do or can't do...but it's about Him. This reminded me of a poem I wrote back in 2005, which is still so true today:
Written by Darlene Joy Koop
I struggled today, Lord,
When my weakness was made evident
And my pride was exposed.
I forgot that I am unable
To do it all on my own,
And I was angry when I failed.
I'm trying to learn
Not to place my value and worth
In how others see me.
I'm trying to let go of my pride
So that Your Holy Spirit
Can work at changing my heart.
It hurts when I fail and
When I don't meet the expectations
I've set for myself.
I dislike criticism and I wish
That I didn't have to face trials in life,
But I need to grow.
Remind me, Lord, today,
That You've bought me with a price
And that I am Your own.
Speak to my spirit and strengthen me
When I fall down and
When I'm feeling discouraged.
I know that my worth is not in what I do
But rather in who I am -
Because of Jesus Christ.
Teach me, Lord, how to grow
In perseverance...
The patient endurance through discouragement.
Help me again to realize
That it's not about me and
To come humbly to the foot of the cross.
Each day in my life is one more step
On the journey to Christlikeness,
And it is not easy.
But I know You're with me
And Your strength is made perfect
In my weakness.
May I know the fulfilment
Of living for the purpose of loving
And serving only You each day.
Thank You, Father, that You're faithful,
That Your love never changes,
And that it's not about me.
About Me

- Darlene Joy Koop
- I am a disciple of Christ and I desire to love and serve God in everything. I have many passions and I desire to share my adventures, joys and struggles to encourage others in their faith.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
"Therefore, if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind."
This past Sunday's message was - and consequently, our small-group Bible study theme was as well - focusing on the aspect of encouraging one another in the Lord. Encouragement is so necessary and yet so often neglected in our daily lives. Just today, one of my colleagues at work was expressing to me how it would make her job so much more enjoyable and rewarding if she occasionally heard a "thank you" or a kind word about what she has been working so hard to accomplish.
The really neat thing about godly encouragement is that one doesn't need to be a "super-Christian" or extremely talented in a certain area - just the fact that we are all part of the family of Christ is reason enough to encourage one another and express our thankfulness for each other.
And when we do, it's fascinating to see how the flower of encouragement blossoms and spreads throughout many other relationships! When we recognize that we are all equally loved and valued and when we desire to build up the unity among our Christian family, just hearing what God has been doing in someone else's life and how they have been encouraged is an encouragement to us!
I had a wonderful experience of this the other day with my dear sister in Christ. She shared with me what God had been speaking to her heart and that in turn encouraged me in the situation I was in. And when we encourage one another, it doesn't need to be about achievements or what the world would term "worthy of praise" - we should encourage one another simply because we are family.
Encouragement and gratitude go hand-in-hand. You will find that the more you practice encouraging others, the more thankful you are for what we sometimes consider "the small things," as well as the people whom you live and work with. The other day, my employer gave me a huge compliment, which naturally encouraged me, but my response was simply to say "thank you". And then I found that I was so much more eager to encourage others and thank them for their contributions - it's a circle of life-giving nourishment.
As I was meditating on this the other morning, I was inspired to write a poem:
I cannot say I've got it all together;
And I'm not always happy with the weather.
I do not always look ahead with hope -
Sometimes I just seek for the easiest way to cope.
When there seems to be no other way
To deal with the issues, I bow my head to pray.
And it's then God gently helps me to see
The blessings that are all around me.
The Word of God is full of wisdom for all the ages,
And if I heed it, it will work in me miraculous changes;
And give me opportunity to encourage my friends,
To let them know their struggles - and mine - are not the end.
True peace comes from giving my burdens to the Lord,
And a happy smile when I share a few kind words.
If I always see the bad and not the good,
I will not act in the way that I really should.
And if I will, in true humility,
Allow God to make me what I ought to be;
Then those around me will clearly see
That trusting in God brings joy and sets me free.
"May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word."
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Well, we're officially halfway through the month of January and this is my first post...
I am committed to posting regularly - it's just taken me awhile to get back into a consistent, regular routine.
On my first day back at work on January 4th, I literally had a new, "fresh" beginning - I had been able to get caught up on the workload at the end of December and it was delightful to have a clean desk. Of course, this only lasted for a day before it returned to normalcy.
Thankfully, I have a new perspective on my job as well - over the last few months God has, by His grace, been giving me a new outlook, particularly in regard to my job. I am so thankful for the freedom and peace that comes from doing just what is given to me each day and not worrying about things I can't control. I pray that this continues even as the workload and pressure continues to grow.
On the home front, since last summer I have gradually neglected to consistently put things away in my little house, which has developed into a cluttered space (not dirty, but definitely a far cry from my neatly organized desk at work). So at the beginning of this year, I looked at this space in which I live and I decided that something needed to be done.
Have you ever realized that you need to do something but you've been procrastinating for so long that it seems almost insurmountable to begin the good habit? Well, I knew that I needed some kind of motivation, so I bought myself 2 new books with a Christmas gift certificate and I resolved that I would not open or begin reading them until I get a decent part of my house in order. This is a big discipline for me, because I absolutely love reading!!
However, I am making progress...and now will come the discipline of developing the good habit of putting things away instead of letting things pile up.
That's just a glimpse - I'm sure there will be more new beginnings this year and I look forward to sharing them with you, and I hope your new year is beginning with promise as well.
I am committed to posting regularly - it's just taken me awhile to get back into a consistent, regular routine.
On my first day back at work on January 4th, I literally had a new, "fresh" beginning - I had been able to get caught up on the workload at the end of December and it was delightful to have a clean desk. Of course, this only lasted for a day before it returned to normalcy.
Thankfully, I have a new perspective on my job as well - over the last few months God has, by His grace, been giving me a new outlook, particularly in regard to my job. I am so thankful for the freedom and peace that comes from doing just what is given to me each day and not worrying about things I can't control. I pray that this continues even as the workload and pressure continues to grow.
On the home front, since last summer I have gradually neglected to consistently put things away in my little house, which has developed into a cluttered space (not dirty, but definitely a far cry from my neatly organized desk at work). So at the beginning of this year, I looked at this space in which I live and I decided that something needed to be done.
Have you ever realized that you need to do something but you've been procrastinating for so long that it seems almost insurmountable to begin the good habit? Well, I knew that I needed some kind of motivation, so I bought myself 2 new books with a Christmas gift certificate and I resolved that I would not open or begin reading them until I get a decent part of my house in order. This is a big discipline for me, because I absolutely love reading!!
However, I am making progress...and now will come the discipline of developing the good habit of putting things away instead of letting things pile up.
That's just a glimpse - I'm sure there will be more new beginnings this year and I look forward to sharing them with you, and I hope your new year is beginning with promise as well.
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